The Mimic
They is everyone and no one all at the same time! Or to be clear. They will mimic a ghost at random. Even himself!
Will mimic other ghosts
Ghost Orbs (Like the Evidence but isn't the evidence! It's a trick!)
In zero Evidence it will still show ghost orbs since it's an ability
Copies the hunt sanity, speed of the ghosts it's mimicing (Doesn't copy Evidence)
Game Description
The Mimic is an elusive, mysterious, copycat ghost that mirroors traits and behaviours from others, including other ghost types.
- Spirit Box
- Ultraviolet
- Freezing Temperatures
Evidence Set 2
This will show that it's NOT a ghost but it's actually a Mimic. You just got it's ability tied in with Ultraviolet & Spirit Box. Due to this you can rule it's a Mimic and will get freezing down the line!
- Ultraviolet
- Ghost Orb
- Spirit Box
Hunt Sanity
This Ghost hunts if sanity is equal or lower than:
50% (As the Mimic)
It will copy the Sanity of the Ghost it's Mimicing