How To Use
In order to use the Spirt box you need to turn off the light and ask questions what will make the Spirit box respond via radio snippits (Since the Spirit box is in a way a radio)
To find the evidence of the ghost if it uses Spirit Box.
Tips & Strategy
- A deo will breath heavily down the spirit box if you're within 1m of him. This is special to only the Deogen (The Mimic cannot mimic this ability. If he can please report in the Discord!)
- Spirit box can only be done in the dark but you can have lit candles, DOTS & flashlights left on for light.
- The Yokai hates talking and can hunt at 80% Average sanity while you're talking.
- If the Spirit box is a Morai you will be cursed. In order to cure the curse have sanity pills. To know if you're cursed your sanity will drain faster even if you hold a candle in a fully lit room.
Questions you can ask
You can also use other sentances that sound like these for some funnny Results.