How To Use
A UV light will be useful if the Ghost touches some objects that are set in the world. Thrown objects will not get fingerprints. If a ghost walks through salt it will leave UV footsteps.
A good way is to make sure the ghost can only interact with the doors and salt. This is one of the best way to get UV. If you want a picture you will have to hold the UV Light on the Fingerprints or Footsteps for a bit (Time is based on Tier) in order to get a result. Tier 1 is 10 seconds while Tier 3 is 1.5 Seconds.
Tips & Strategy
- If you put Salt close together and leave a UV light faving it you can juse look over for footprints without having to pick up the UV and turn it on. Keeping a hand slot free for something else.
- Be quick! UV doesn't linger forever!
- One UV Evidence is a 5 Fingered hand what belongs to the Obake what is a shapeshifter. Only he can emit this special handprint!
UV Objects
- Doors (Expect the Entrance Door/Gate)
- Windows
- Lightswitches
- Coolers
- Picnik Tables
- Walking through salt (Will leave footprints)

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3