How To Use
In order to use the EMF you simply turn it on and go near something you didn't touch. If a ghost touch it the EMF will spike. If it hits 5 you got your evidence. It's also very useful for figuring out the ghost room by seeing where the EMF is.
Finding the ghost room, figuring out what the ghost touched/threw or if it used it's abilities.
Tips & Strategy
- If you have your EMF on and in a random location and out of the blue it just goes off. You're most likely dealing with a wraith who used it's Ghost ability to teleport to you.
- An EMF & Photo Camera work well in combo so you can figure out what the Ghost touched in order to get a picture for bonus money. After all 0 Star Photos earn $0!
- You can use the Total Activity to work out EMF 5 as well. If the Total Activity jumps by 5 there is a high chance it's EMF 5 (Though a few other factors can cause it to jump by 5 like a Ghost Event!)
- You can use the EMF to help figure out the ghost room just by the spikes. Even in 0 Evidence the EMF is a useful tool to find the ghost room.

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