What is Yuno Who?
Hello & welcome for coming to my landing page about Yuno Who. This company is built off making websites that people might find useful. If you wish to explore the websites quickly go to index.
For more information just keep scrolling. We have a Needs list if you find something that interests you please get in touch!
- Discord
- kittycatchan
Yuno Who's Index
To Do List / My needs list
- Artist for an Icon for the Website
- JS Helpers - Because I really do not like JavaScript I wouldn't mind people who wanna help out! 😀
Website Details
Anime Watchlist
This is all anime I have watched, Watching and plan to watch.
D&D Characters
This is my web storage of all my characters. I use this to share my PDFs with GMs who want more information about my characters.
Jerry's Database
This is a database of Phasmophobia.